How To Get All The New Features Of Windows 10 First

How To Get All The New Features Of Windows 10 First

Microsoft said that Windows 10 will be the last full release in the line and all subsequent new features will be distributed only in the form of updates. In this article, you will learn how to be the first to get access to all upcoming innovations of this operating system.

All software users can be divided into three large groups. Representatives of the first try to get access to new features the very first and do not mind even participating in their testing. The second, on the contrary, is in no hurry to change anything until each innovation passes comprehensive testing and receives positive feedback from other users. Well, the third, the largest group, whose members do not think about these issues and do not understand what this article is about.

In the Windows 10 operating system, there is a way to satisfy everyone. Just as modern browsers have several update channels (stable, beta, experimental), so in Windows 10 you can configure the settings for obtaining new functions in accordance with your needs. Here’s how you can do it quickly and easily.

1. Click on the “Start” button and select “Options” in the start menu.

2. Go to the “Update and Security” section.

3. In the “Windows Update” section at the very bottom, click on the “Windows Insider Program” link.

4. If stability is the most important thing for you, everything suits you in the operating system and you don’t want to change anything, then check the “Postpone updates” option. In this case, the new Windows features will not be downloaded or installed for several months. This does not apply, of course, to security updates.

5. If you want to be in the forefront and the very first to get access to the latest features of Windows 10, then you have the opportunity to participate in a testing program. To do this, click on the “Start” button in the section “Obtaining assemblies for participants in the preliminary assessment program”.

6. You will see a blue window with warnings and additional information about participating in the testing program. If you are not afraid, then click on “Next” several times, after which you will need to restart the computer.

7. At the end of the reboot, I recommend that you again go to the “Windows Update” and make sure that you become a participant in testing Windows 10. And the most impatient users can even switch the channel for receiving assemblies to the Fast position, which will give access to the hottest, like pies from the stove, operating system features.

In the event that you want to complete your participation in the Windows Insider program, you will have to do the reverse procedure described above. Please note that in some cases this may require a clean reinstall of the system or a complete reset of Windows to factory settings.

Are you ready to participate in the testing program and be the first to receive the most alluring Windows 10 buns (Microsoft Edge extensions, full Skype integration, Cortana support, and so on)?

The post How To Get All The New Features Of Windows 10 First appeared first on Creador.

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